Monday, December 17, 2012

Up Next: Life of Pi by Yann Martel

So, I am about to do something that I NEVER do and give up on a book. I guess not "give up" per say but Naked Lunch is an extremely difficult book to get through if you are not prepared for it. I honestly thought I was prepared for it but I can say now that I understand the extreme controversy towards whether or not this book should have been on the shelves. There are massive amounts of history behind this book so I plan on revisiting it at another time. Until then, the BOOKWORMportal will keep things a tad more light hearted during the holiday festivities. So this weeks pick will be Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

It has been roughly 6 years since I have last read this book so I think it is time to revisit it. I plan on watching it in theatres sometime next week and I think it will be nice to remind myself to why I thought this book was so special.