Friday, February 22, 2013

Up Next: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

It was rather difficult to decide what to read next. I have a stack sitting at home of both borrowed and new books I acquired for Christmas this year. I also have to begin to chose 5 books for a European reading challenge this year. Ahh so much to do so little time. Anyhow, after careful consideration I have chosen to read Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Why you ask? Frankly I love Mr. Wilde. I know what you may be love EVERYONE! I will tell you that THAT my dear friends is a farce, an absolute FARCE I tell you! I am practically a curmudgeon, there are plenty of people I do not like such as Bono...Hitler...and for reasons that can not be explained Tom Cruise....but not to trail too far off the point, Mr. Wilde is fantastic. This seems to be a short book so I hope to have something posted about it next week.

Also, a little update. Monday will be the start of a little segment I would like to do on music. Have a safe weekend everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for signing up for the European Reading Challenge! Sorry it took me a while to get here to visit. Happy reading!

    I am also happy to be your first google follower.

    Rose City Reader
