Monday, March 4, 2013

Music Monday #2: The Indie Beat

Welcome to Music Monday #2 The Indie Beat and as you know I am your humble host AJ Riley. This weeks music Monday as you may have surmised from my title will be all about indie music. The indie genre is my absolute favorite genre. Besides classic rock it is my go to music on my ipod. Since I will most likely be posting a lot about indie music after this post, I decided to kick it off with a few bands that I just recently discovered.

What I like about indie music is that it is so broad. There are indie rap bands, rock bands, jazz bands, and even oddly jazz-bluegrass and the list goes on and on. My personal favorite is indie pop or indie rock because it generally fits into whatever mood I am in and often makes the day better. The soundtrack to my life would absolutely be all indie rock. I believe indie music is labeled as indie for being on independent labels. These are bands that really can't be categorized in any mainstream music. I was so happy that my state FINALLY got an indie music station as I have boycotted the others. Hope you enjoy...

We Were Promised Jetpacks - Moving Clocks Run Slow. To kick it off this is a band I just had the opportunity of hearing exactly one week ago. As you will learn from reading this blog is that I love European culture, art, and most of all the music. These guys are from Scotland and began around 2003. This song is swell...

This song is off of their album called These Four Walls. I have not had the opportunity to check out any of their other work besides this album. Immediately they sounded like The Proclaimers to me so I was shocked to find out that this band was new. I am looking forward to exploring their other albums shortly.

The Shout out Louds - Normandie. I don't know much about this band other than the fact that they are from Sweeden. I found them along with We Were Promised Jetpacks and just LOVE them.

I am really not sure who to compare these guys too I just love their sound. Adam Olenius is the lead singer of this group and he may be my new favorite of this month but I can't decide if I love his voice or his lyrics more. Music like this makes me think I am living on the wrong continent.

Dr. Dog - Lonesome. I knew of this band several months ago. They have been around since 1999 and still kicking around in Pennsylvania. I have not yet heard a song by them that I have not liked. Lonesome was one of my favorites because of the southern bluesy tone it has. I can picture them sitting around on a porch somewhere playing this.

This band has a very eclectic sound which is a little messy and unpolished. I would imagine that in concert they would sound exactly like their studio recordings or even better. To me, there is nothing better than a good unpolished band where you can see the rough edges and that is an element that I miss from Jack White but in my eyes he will always be my hero no matter what he creates.

Low Vs. Diamond - Song We Sang Away. This band first formed in Colorado but they had a big kick off in Los Angeles. This song was off of their self title album in 2008.

This song has a little bit of an 80s The Cure sound mixed with The Killers. They sound surprisingly European to me. Too bad they disbanded because this would be a fantastic band to see live.

The Panics - How's It Feel. This band began in Western Australia

This song in particular stuck out to me because of the echos of a 60s hippie era. They are quite popular in Australia and I can most definitely see why. To me, great music is cyclical in time. There is a reason why some sounds stick around decades later and appear in newer forms. This sort of music will be around long after the Bieber-Perry virus wears off. Yes some songs may be catchy from the Biebs and Perry but there is no depth there. No offense to those who dig that sort of music, to each his own.

Hope you rnjoyed this weeks segment. More to come...A+

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