Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Next Up: Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs

Hello all, happy Wednesday here from The BOOKWORMportal! I trust you all have a wonderful week and are gearing up for a fun weekend. I am absolutely excited for the cool weather that has been brushing across the city. It is truly the best time of year for the desert. Anyhow, I have made my choice for the next book and that my cyber friends has been no easy task. I added 8 new books to the list and the next few will probably be novels that I have not read yet. What is your opinion on non-fiction titles on here? I may branch out a bit and try it out. However, for this week I will be reading Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs.
I know this has been adapted into a movie but I have neither seen the movie nor read the novel so I am excited to read something different. I have heard a few things through an old coworker about this book and I sincerely trust her choice in movies and reading materials. Plus, I have always been a fan of the beat generation. Not that I buy into the lifestyle, they were a tad to liberal with experimentation but the literature is just plain neat. Yes mom I said "neat." I do plan of revisiting Kerouac but I am craving something new so let's see how this goes!
Until next time...

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