Wednesday, January 9, 2013

“I love Canada...It is a great country much too cold for good sense, inhabited by compassionate, intelligent people with bad hairdos.” UPDATE: Life of Pi

I am about a third of the way finished with Yann Martel's Life of Pi and boy do the holidays dig into my reading time. I hope to have this finished this weekend FINALLY and I am excited to say that I received a nice little collection of new books to read. Until then, here are a few little facts about the man who created Life of Pi, Mr. Yann Martel.

Gotta love the Bob Dylan hair
So unfortunately there is not a whole lot of information out there for Yann but here is what I could find. I would have especially loved to read more about his travels but alas that information was very limited.

1. Yann is Canadian born in Spain and has had a wide array places he inhabited. This includes Costa Rica, France, Spain and Mexico. He worked a lot of odd jobs which also enabled him to pick up and travel often.

2. I found it interesting that he did not fully commit to his writing until he was 27. Most authors I have read about practically spend their whole lives trying to find their break. Life of Pi was his second novel and now is published in about 40 countries in 30 different languages. To me it seems as though Life of Pi was inspired by his stay in India. He studied the religion and culture which holds a prominent theme in the novel.

3. Surprisingly with the revival of his novel there is not much information about Yann past 2011. It seems that most of his career is centered in Canada. He held a teaching position but mainly continued his writing. I was interested to find that We Ate the Children Last: Stories was actually Yann's first series of work to be adapted to film.

Alright folks, have a great week. I will have my little review up soon and now that the holidays are over I will resume my usual speed of reading.

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