Monday, October 29, 2012

Next Up: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Good afternoon and happy Monday from the BOOKWORMportal! I was drinking down a comically large cup of coffee and it dawned on me that Halloween is this Wednesday and I forgot about my Halloween themed book! I was mulling it over on which one I wanted to read and with time constraints I thought it would be best to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I have read this book MANY times before but I figured it would be a quick read while staying within the spirit of the holiday.

So I haven't really read anything sci-fi in awhile but I am a sci-fi junkie and Mary Shelley is a pioneer of the genre. This novel has always interested me for many reasons and one is that this novel was so ahead of its time. Written in 1818 this novel touches on the subject of creating life and essentially playing God. As for being ahead of its time, the scientist takes dead tissue and regenerates it to bring it back to life, pretty interesting topics for the times. I will be looking forward to revisiting this novel and I hope to post about it on Wednesday!

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