Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"You are a republic of voices tonight."

Happy Tuesday from the BOOKWORMportal, I hope yours is as sunny and beautiful as mine. I began reading Bright Lights, Big City last night and so far so good. I forgot to mention, besides being a recommendation from my favorite professor Dr. D, one of the reasons I chose to review this novel is because the author, Jay Inerney, was regarded to be a modern F. Scott Fitzgerald. I thought it would be interesting to compare the two novels and thus far the similarities are quite honestly minuscule but tis only the beginning my friends.

Fun facts Jay Inerney:

Worked for The New Yorker but got fired in 1981 (I believe as a fact-checker) which inspired the role of his lead character in Bright Lights, Big City. I wonder if the affinity for doing drugs in public restrooms is also slightly autobiographical as well...hmmm.

The year he got fired was the same year his first wife Linda flew to Italy for her modeling career and never returned due to the Italian stallion that stole her from Jay.

He was tennis buddies with author David Foster Wallace. For those of you who enjoy contemporary authors and have a few months to kill, check out Infinite Jest. Excellent read if you can get through it, if not then you have a nifty new weapon if that brick just wasn't cutting it.

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